One of their kids, Wyatt Wert Wood, born in Illinois, 1913 1993, moved to Garland, Texas. In Callaway County and Randolph County Missouri, known Melungeon surnames in the community are listed on Census records, Minor, Gibson, Hicks, Hix, and more. People that have looked at my results say that they are out of the ordinary. She was a black person in Memphis, Tenn., I believe. Some families that descend from lines known to be of Melungeon origin, but cannot find Native ancestry, may need to search more in that direction for their exact mixture. Hi, on my fathers side I have Davis, Spillman and Ramey as well as Berry all from south eastern kentucky. No indication of his mother, but it was not Alma Hall his other wife. Please email me when you are available. I wish I could prove anything but I know it is a long time family claim. Melungeon Geography and Surnames. Looking for Starnes. Mixed Melungeons had lived in Vir- ginia from 1660. We are looking for information on these family lines not to upset current family members, or to find living people, nor to upset lives. Family is from WVA named McCumbee but I now find he was from NC and it seems it was Cumby/Cumbo/. Page 135 - Research Melungeon in the Surnames forums on, the new GenForum! Hall, Hammon, Harmon, Harris, Harvie/Harvey, Hawkes, Hendricks/Hendrix, Hill, Hillman, Hogge, Holmes, Hopkins, Howe, Hyatt. The best way to find out your heritage is to do a DNA test with Ancestry. but im very sure my father is of melungeon descent, he is a dark ivory skin with dark hair and blue eyes. 2847 results. My siblings and I and my children are the only living biological descendants of this line as far back as my maternal grandparents generation if not farther. I learned about these colors when I was in Fashion for 28 years. Hi everyone, Im currently researching my fathers side of the family who is from the area of Halifax and Sampson County, and the Virginia borderline. There may also be "Native American features," as well as "a particular type of bump or ridge at the back of the head (usually just above the neck) known at the Melungeon bump." 18 Kathy Lyday, a professor at Elon University in North Carolina, has said that in older photos . I have the knot . Also, the Revells family, from Cumberland,Sampson and Robeson Co, were living near my Brooks and Clarks. Christy, Hi Christy, I am still researching but its slow going. If this helps my ftdna kit # B511534. Stoney Creek church records show the name "Melungeon" was known in Virginia before it ap- peared in Tennessee. If you are Melungeon and do not see your family name or a qualifying county please contact our historian at SURNAMES Adkins Allen Bowling/Bollin (g) Bennett Brown Bowman Bunch/Punch Campbell Carter Childers/Childress Chavis Clark Cox Collier Collins Cumbow Duncan Davis Denham Dial My great great grandfather and even his wife. Our roots go back to the late 1600s and early 1700s. (And no Cherokee.) Some Melungeons suspect Abe Lincoln, Elvis Presley and Ava Gardner may all have had some Melungeon blood. Thank you, Campell, Carrico, Carter, Casteel, Caudill, Chapman, Chavis, Clark, Cloud, Coal/Cole/Coles, Coffey, Coleman, Colley, Collier/Colyer, Collins, Collinsworth, Cook(e), Cooper, Cotman, Counts, Cox/Coxe, Criel, Croston, Crow, Cumba/Cumbo/Cumbow, Curry, Custalow. I just came upon this site. My fathers name is Harrison Brown, son of Harris Brown and Rosa Burt (Brown). Love recognizes no barriers. My grandmother, a Chapman, when young was always asked if she were Jewish, to which she simply replied, no. In the early 80s when I was a little girl, I remember Papaw Chapman (her father) always saying we were Dutch Indian and Black Dutch. I have been wondering if we are Melungeons. These families became the plantation aristocracy. Hall, Hammon, Harmon, Harris, Harvie/Harvey, Hawkes, Hendricks/Hendrix, Hill, Hillman, Hogge, Holmes, Hopkins, Howe, Hyatt. I realize my writing style is very erratic (like somebody said squirrel in front of a hound,lol) and I apologise for that, but thank you so much for your time Mrs Gray, sincerely Edward Davis (P.S. HAWKES HENDRICKS HENDRIX HILL HILLMAN HOGGE HOLMES HOPKINS HOWE Grandson of John Snow Creek Taliaferro and Sarah Smith, both from Virginia. My mothers side not so much. I am a Cooper. Chau Mecca Burton Ferrell. My family goes very far back in this area and I have many Names in the family tree you listed: Sizemore, Green, Robertson, Robinson, Bowlin, Jackson, Allen, Thompson, Collins, Hall, Jones, Martin, Perkins, Stevens, Other names to look at maybe that are very intertwined Abbot, Stacey, Griffith, Griffin,Godsey, Lacy (maybe same as Lasie you have listed). Do you have a family tree I could vew that might help me help you? Im just so tired of not knowing a connection and many of extended family feel the same I was always told my fathers maternal grandmother was Cherokee. Are they Mulatto or Melungeon? George Alvin Jr. 1787-1864 from N.C. to Illinois, Clark Co. Hello:I have ran across an interesting web page and it offers new insights into Melungeon origins.I wanted to see if anybody else has found it?I am writing a short story of it and will be posting it around eventually.It's not plaguarism its research because I am copying from more than one source :-) Johnny We are most likely cousins as I have jones/hall/hill/clarks/browns all in my direct bloodlines. Please contact me if you have any information you would like to share or questions. Him and his wife did not have any children. MULLINS, NASH NELSON NEWMAN NICCANS NICHOLS NOEL NORRIS, PAGE PAINE PATTERSON PERKINS PERRY PHELPS On the 1870 Census it states that his race is Black. Hello! Enjoying The Company While On The Journey! There was a guy by the last name of Kennedy. Maddox, Maggard, Major, Male/Mayle, Maloney, Marsh, Martin, Miles, Minard, Miner/Minor, Mizer, Moore, Morley, Mullins, Mursh. Jack, a Melungeon descendant through several ancestors, expected that his Y paternal . All I know about her is that she was a female paster and could levitate things when she would get really caught up in preaching the Word. BENNETT BERRY BEVERLY BIGGS BOLEN BOLLING BOLTON BOONE BOWLIN Langston, Lasie, Lawson, Locklear, Lopes, Lowry, Lucas. God Bless. I was looking to see if anyone that is connected to the Jones line. This is so confusing! Beginning in the early 1800s, or possibly before, the term Melungeon (meh-LUN'-jun) was used as a derogatory term to describe a group of about 40 families along the Tennessee-Virginia border. Thank you for your time in reading this. I am trying to see if I can locate my Great Grandmother. They, along with associated families, migrated to western NC from the eastern/coastal NC and borderline SC/NC. Are there any distant cousins related to them? I have 21 of those melungeon surnames in my direct bloodlines. I have several of these surnames in my tree. His son Moses Bass b.1778 Duplin, N. Carolina d.1845 Bear Head Creek, Starks, Louisiana is my 3rd G-Grandpaw. She was in her 20s, married to James Elbert Manis Ferrell. And I also did a dna test. As time permits my intention is to research as many of these families as I can. Melungeon (pron. Home > Forum > Surnames > Melungeon . Ive been stumped. This is my email: Interview your folks and any elders still alive. Clarks, Coopers, Saunders and Pruitts. I just uploaded me DNA from Ancestry to Gedmatch Gensis. Thank you for your consideration. My moms side are lots of Jones and Clarks and my dads Dentons have been in states since 1634 with the ma bay colony. Any suggestions? I suspect that they were mulungeon and passed as white after moving to Indiana. William HAll and Eliza Jane Thomas 2nd wife Rebecka Mahin. They also married into the Goins, Ashe, Whitworth and Wellman families. Lucas. Jordan-Son of Gilbert Gibson. North American Indian ancestors include people from the tribes of Powhatan, Mattaponi, Monie, Nansemond, Rappahanock, Pamunkey, Chickahominie, Cherokee (Buffalo Ridge) and Choctaw. When some names come up, push the button for tree. I am hoping to find out if there is any Melungeon history in from my past. Good afternoon, You have so much work put into this. I also had 1% of the unknown but I have known for years that I had in me the melungeons lineage. My grandma also removed warts, used scripture to stop bleeding, blew the fire out of a burn. From my mother Chapman. Earlier they may have lived near the Atlantic coast but, preferring a more secluded setting . The college of UVA Wise, Va. held an event several years ago about Melungeon. Any info on the Boone line would be appreciated, or sites with Boone dna projects. I am seeing several surnames from my sides. What an interesting article. In January of 1943, Plecker sent a circular to all public health and county officials in Virginia, listing, county by county, the surnames of all families suspected of having African ancestry. The Melungeon culture has typically been associated with the Appalachian region. For centuries, they remained almost invisible to the American mainstream. Hi! So glad I could be of help. LUCAS, MADDOX MAGGARD MAJOR MALE MALONE(Y) MARSH crcst test prep; crcst free test questions; paid test; crcst exam prep notes; subscribe About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material Well hopefully you can work your skills to help me find a better understanding. Look for an email from Nikki Matt Landerkin, Okay Thanks! Some Notes on Jordan Gibson. Like their names? Barker, Barnes, Bass, Beckler, Bedgood, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Beverly, Biggs. Had always been told a great great grandma was Native-Cherokee but both my fathers and my own DNA shows minimal to no Native. I came across this site and am hoping to find some answers. These families seem to have originated in the same place and traveled together to Mississippi after the Louisiana Purchase. My ancestral lines take me to Muskogee (Creek) in Georgia/SouthCarolina ending in Oklahoma. Com. A lady invited me to a revival at her church. Thanks! My dad was always told we had Cherokee in us. Are you able to expound a little more on the lineage of Melungeon peoples and the specific areas they inhabited? I have been doing some ansestry searching, combined with some hints that my great grandma spoke of often. I will research from one of my books and let you know. My grandmother had straight dark hair and somewhat darker skin. This Thomas and Mary are believed to be the same Thomas and Mary found in Stoney Creek Church Records.Thomas and Mary Gibson along with Charles, Reubin and Henry are found in the early church records with Valentine Collins . DNA study is not my strong suit! Thank you for your time and any help in advance. I joined facebook today. Sammons, Sampson, Sawyer, Scott, Sexton, Shavis, Shepherd/Shephard, Short. My fathers side was 100% European. I know is name was simply Bill Hall and his father name was Earnest Hall. A good deal of my research, in addition to Mulungeon, leads back to Cherokee heritage from northeastern AL. SHEPHARD SHEPHERD SHORT SHORTT SIZEMORE SMILING SMITH STALLARD There are a lot of Coopers in Eastern Kentucky, especially Somerset, Ky. A new DNA study in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy found that the families historically called Melungeons are the offspring of sub-Saharan African men and white women of northern or central. Ms. Lady Jae: Received some great information from you sometime ago for surname Goin. All I know is that his mother was likely named Polly, and I can find a Polly Cooper in the 1810 Virginia census with appropriately aged dependents; she is listed as a person of color. From DNA tests, I know I have both Iberian and Native American DNA. I am pretty sure I am Melungian, I would love to connect and learn more. I never realized that tri-racial folks as these even existed. I do not have dark skin and for the most part people are shocked about my skin. My grandfathers was a Falin, Gilliam, Cox, Mickelborough, Mayo, Hylton, Burnett, Pettus, Strachey, Ogilvie, Graham, Wells Witt, Skaggs, Hatfield, McCoy, Mace, and so on. She had very dark brown eyes and black hair. Can you help me determine if there are melungeon connections? Match case Limit results 1 per page melungeon and melung eon-related s urnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) ADAMS - ADKINS- BARKER - BARNES - BECKLER - BELL - BENNETT - BERRY - BIGGS - BOLEN - BOWLIN - BOWLING - BOWMAN - BRANHAM - BROGAN - BULLION - BURTON - BYRD - CAMPBELL - CARRICO - CARTER - CASTEEL - CAUDILL - CHAVIS - CLARK - COAL - COFFEY - COLE - COLEMAN - COLES . We are just looking to complete our family trees, our heritage, and to find medical information as well because we have several relatives that have odd illnesses that have no known origins. After that it gets shaky. Redbone & Melungeons !!!! My grandpaw was also a Pentecostal revival preacher who has been written about in several books about the Pentecostal snake handlers, I know one was by a fella named Jimmy morrow. 2 Answers. Senator named John Sherman Cooper who was my mother-in-laws first cousin. Revels, Sampson. On the early 1900s census our family was classified as mulattos born in Virginia/Western Virginia. My family grew up believing our Greatgrandma Skaggs was a Blackfoot Indian, My Fathers DNA shows otherwise. I can possibly help if you connect to Sylvaneous Brewer, b 1812-1815 in Claiborne County, Tennessee, and lived in Lee County, Virginia, from 1850 to circa 1900. I'm also more certain because even though my Ancestry results give Great Britain 62%, Ireland 17%, Western Europe 5%, South Europe 5%, Europe East 5 . Have you started a family research project? The surnames most associated with the Melungeons are the Irish name Collins, and the English name Gibson. Her father was surname a Steadman. On my Daddys side my Grandmaw was Pearl Bass. Any information on the Halls in Hertford County NC and Virginia. Well hope you know and I hope you enjoy my DNA. My grandfather was straight black hair, brown eyes, and really dark in the summer sun. Just found out through 23 and me that I have spanish/portuguese ancestry. I have not had any DNA tests done, but again would like to know about my Indian family, and also about the melungeons as well. The pages wont let me open them. My grandfather used the term Portuguee with affection, and his Melungeon (I assume) Indiana grandparents were Malissa Delph and William Addison Wright from Tennessee. I have that genealogy somewhere but trying to find it is a different thing. Havent heard back from George yet, when I do Ill be sure to let you know! Lumbees, we are a very unique creature and I'm proud of that. her parents names? Im from Eastern Kentucky also. My grandmother Margaret Davis is dark and had coarse hair. " Do you need some help in your genealogy search? The census shows that the area was settled by Gibsons, Griffins, Mullins, Cox, Bowlings,Wests, Elmores, Williamsons,Gowins, Cooks, Crows and Perkins. There is actually an unincorporated community named Goin that had a post office until the mid-sixties. Hello, I was wondering if you could help me more with my roots. This is seen in all generations that I know of in my family. One of my aunts is this way. Coleman. So hopefully I can hear more. 3 great grandmother Ramey who wasnt related to my grandmother Davis was also said to be black dutch. Viccars. One set of my 7th great grandparents were Jane Bunch, Carolinas, 1740-1782 m. Hugh Smith, d. Wilkes Co. NC, 1738-1781. I do not know if they would be of your lineage but you could check those out. What are your Stallard and Sizemore ancestors? These families settled in Lincoln Co and are mentioned in the Indian Commission Affairs and in a report by Robert K. Thomas. The Majority of my ancestors are from The Appalachians. Powell. But I am trying to find more about my Indian family, and am also related to Pocahontas through her daughter Kaokee. We were always told we had Indian blood. Growing up I was told tales that on my dads side we had a definitive blood line to the Monacan Nation out of Amhurst County VA. On my moms side I was always told her family was Melungeon and my Greatgrand father having the name Woodrow Baker. there you will find relatives who can possibly hold the key for you! The ones that I do not have in my lineage, my husband probably has a large number of the other names plus my son-in-law has a lot more of those other names. I did have an Uncle by the name of Neal who was married to Loretta. He was definitely a minor in 1756 (deed of gift of Gilbert Gibson). Japanese Last Names Meaning Dark. HYATT, LANGSTON LASIE LAWSON LOCKLEAR LOPES LOWRY It is nice to find this site. The family claimed Cherokee and white but resided around Roanoke, VA at least since the 1850s. C 2. Would taking one of the ancestry dna tests help determine this or just make it more confusing? Her father (my grandmothers great grandfather) was from Kentucky and his grandfather, Calloway Bunch came from Bedford, VA according to Ancestry. My grandparents and all 13 kids used to go up to NJ and work the fields when jersey was the garden state still. The Clarks and Coopers were listed on the census in Malboro Co, Kershaw Co and Gafney, SC. The study found the truth to be somewhat less exotic: Genetic evidence shows that the families historically called Melungeons are the offspring of sub-Saharan African men and white women of northern or central European . His wife, Mary Mae Heffley 1872-1959. The parents settled in Owens Co. Ke. Page, Paine, Patterson, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Phipps, Pinder, Polly, Powell, Powers, Pritchard, Pruitt. , I am descended from Wood. Robert K Thomas mentions an offshoot of Lumbees settling in Lincoln Co, Asheville and Macon Co NC in the link below. I had no idea what that meant. Thanks for checking in! Look in Bibles and record any folklore that might have been passed down. Also, if you know who they were their spouse, this will help even more. Berry. Home. I do not know much more than what is below, but my father (Jerry Lee Wood, son of Wyatt Wert Wood) who claimed Welch/Irish descent, had straight dark hair, turned nut brown in the slightest bit of sun, and had hazel green eyes. Elizabeth Katherine Jones supposed DOB was February 27, 1901. I am a Johnson from Halifax county, VA. All of my paternal line are dark skinned, dark hair and blue eyes with a very specific nose. We are Tacketts, Dial, Salyer/Sawyer, Green, Smith, Mullins, Coffey, and Sizemore. I'm still digging on into the melungeon . Can you help me figure out if there is a melange in connection which might explain this family claim? Learn more. She was very religious. FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. Not looking like any of the others. My family has web page on Facebook. All the matches to me, thousands, had African blood. Its Brent Stanley aka Peppy my Louisiana Redbone name. My great grandmother was Leeann Cox and it was said she had Indian blood. Trying to put all the pieces of the Shumpert family in place. My Grandfather was Cleo Berry Son of Lydia Price and Calvin Berry. Hello Ms. J Gray: On another list the surname Riddle was given as a surname for Melungeons. The biggest thing I am trying to accomplish, however, is to help my grandmother find closure and to find her family so she can have peace before her time comes. Please let me know if you are still researching these families. Thank you for the informative blog. During Reconstruction, most southern states passed One drop laws. Tally, Taylor, Thompson, Tolliver, Tuppance, Turner, Ware, Watts, Weaver, White, Whited, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wisby, Wise, Wood, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn, Monacan surnames of Beverly, Branham, Johns, Pinn and Terry. Hope you can find your connections. I have also done a DNA test at the request of a distant relative to try and connect those with my last name and variations of it. I am so sorry that it took me a bit to see this response. We are a Lumbee church. When my mouth fell open, she said, I knew because you have the look. Well well. Best of luck and Merry Christmas! Hammon, Jones, Osborn, and Steele on my mothers side. Some of the most prominent surnames that have been claimed as potentially associated with a Melungeon identity include Bowling (Bolin), Bunch, Chavis (Chavez), Collins, Epps, Evans, Fields, Francisco, Gibson, Gill, Goins, Goodman, Minor, Mise, Moore, Mullins, Osborn (e), Phipps, Reeves (Rives, Rieves, Reeves, Reaves), Ridley (Riddle), Rodrigues, Naturally there are many questions. Email: [emailprotected]. Melungeons are descendants of people of mixed ethnic ancestry who, before the end of the eighteenth century, were discovered living in limited areas of what is now the southeastern United States, notably in the Appalachian Mountains near the point where Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina converge. Thank you, Victoria Thornton. Smiling, Smith, Stallard, Stanley, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Strother. Trying to put all the pieces of the Shumpert family in place. He was my Grandfather but I know very little about him and believe he may have been Melungeon. Willis. If I run across anything new Ill shoot it your way or post it here on my site. Correlating Historical Facts to DNA Test Results. I have noticed that it can be difficult to discern skintones in old black and white photos unless some one was very pale or very dark skinned depending on the photo.I was that way too, until I moved to Vermont 20+ yrs ago, the 9 month long Winters have taken their toll but a week of 80 degree sunny days and bam its back, LoL, lots of blue eyes and some green to, I have brown but its a pretty light colored brown, I grew up in the 15th from time to time(name comes from long ago, instead of a county they were numbered districts or something to that effect) my family also looked quite a bit different than most of the people in the grassyfork/ delrio/ Hartford tn area. I did a DNA but found there was very littlelike 1 or 2%. I hope you get your answers. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. How can I help? Im going to share your comments with Angela Walton Raji and Melvin Collier, they have Bass out of Arkansas. Stay tuned! What are your Stallard Roberson and Mullins ancestors? Also Mary Bolling 1720-1790 Wilkes NC m. Andrew Baker 1720-1779 Rowan NC. We have been told of Native American ancestry, but the rest is a mystery. My maternal grandfather was Clarence Gibson. My ancestor, John Washington Cooper, left Virginia for Louisiana circa 1830, where he and his children married into old French Creole families. What a great feeling you must be experiencing with this new found gem! That never added up, because the neighbor lady was 100% Cherokee and she was lighter skinned than my mother. I wish I knew more about, but anyone I can ask are now passed. And then there was Mama, the youngest. You may be able to find valuable information there at the college. We think she was born in Wythe County, Va in 1927 and was married to my great grandfather John Rufus Mink, Sr around 1913-1914 as she had their first child in 1915. My uncle says their daughter, Martha Gilliam Barnett, was 100% Cherokee. Some say we were black dutch. from my grandmother Burton. My mother never discussed what our family was mixed with or the tribe, when I asked. It is like her whole Jones line does not exist. Im researching my Berry family from Hawkins /Tennesse and Virginia . Her parents born in Amherst Co. VA in 1760s. All of them were from West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and North carolina. That's what happened to Jack Goins, Hawkins County, Tn. Historical records are sometimes sketchy and amorphous. I have found a lot of information for her father and his people, but her mother is a big mystery. Thanks! (LogOut/ I guess meaning that I have far far less matches in R1b as compared to the majority of testers. This list is subject to expansion. Im a direct descendant of the Davis, my great grandmother was from the VA / Tennessee area. I have several names on your list who are in my direct line: Dalton/ Brown/ Clark/ Davis/ Evans/ Freeman/ Hill/ James/ Jones/ Martin/ Moore/ Osborn(e)/ Powell/ Pruitt/ Williams. I say supposed because there is a discrepancy. I have added links to certain names that I have more information to share. Scott. Thank you for contacting me, how can I help? Hello again Ms. Gray. The Melungeon, who called their leaders "king" instead of "chief," intermarried with the Cherokee Indians and were considered a branch of the tribe. We have always been told we are of cherokee and possibly Saponi descent. I am stuck on finding any census records or ethnic listings for these women. Wish I knew of someone that could help point me in the right direction. Nash, Nelson, Newman, Niccans, Nichols, Noel, Norris. I have no idea but I am willing to work with you to find out! Volume 2 lists Cherokees west of the Mississippi from rolls . Joyceann Gray passed your info to me because I have Bass matches. I just came across your blog this afternoon. and, Thank you for your response! I had dark hair and green eyes from 2 blue eyed parents. Webster (1962, 1122) described the Melungeon as "a member of a dark-skinned people of mixed Caucasian, Negro, and Indian stock, inhabiting the Tennessee mountains."5 Davis (1963, 16) identified the Melungeons as "dark-skinned, reddish- brown complexioned people [who were] supposed to be of Moorish descent, neither Indian nor Negro, but . Have you ever heard of Lowerys or Roses in your findings? My name Christy In addition, it leaves untouched some of the families who in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were typically classed as whites, but who claimed Native American ancestry, such as the Sizemore claimants among the Eastern Cherokee applicants." I have EVERY characteristic of being of melungeon decent, shovel teeth, ridge at neck, disease, skin color, and the eye fold. We are finding out all kinds of things about our heritage that we never knew. Brunie Barthol Wood, 1872-1964, Illinois to Indianapolis. Among the northern Europeans, the Melungeon ancestors include English, Scot, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, and German parents. Joyceann. Dalton, Dare, Davis, Denham, Dennis, Dial, Dorton, Doyle, Driggers, Dye, Dyess. It is part of but the site is free. Some of the more common surnames, or variations thereof, having been identified so far as having Melungeon origins are: Adams, Adkins, Allen, Allmond, Ashworth Dad was a Revolutionary soldier. I know very little of my fathers familys origins, except my grandmothers name, Mary Jo Berry, how she died (tragically) and my dad was from Tennessee. Right now I am researching for someone else and I came across a rumour that Faith Parker (b. Is Jones her maiden name? Aakster Dutch. 7. Tally, Taylor, Thompson, Tolliver, Tuppance, Turner, Ware, Watts, Weaver, White, Whited, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wisby, Wise, Wood, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn, Monacan surnames of Beverly, Branham, Johns, Pinn and Terry. I was astounded and wondered where all these genes came from. Enjoying The Company While On The Journey! Little. God Bless, Comparing Kit A861408 (*JGray) [Migration F2 A] and XN3591432 (Brent Stanley) [Ancestry], Sorry, we dont match but then again DNA gets diluted after 4 generations. I have always been the odd duck in my family. Just to note, a lot of Melungeon families are mixed with Roma. Hi My family is of the Evans of SC. My grandpa Short had black hair and black eyes. Knowing it could be a false positive or perhaps true, I have pursued that info. Hi Brent, I am so saddened by your grandmothers story. The center of Melungeon territory in former times was Newman's Ridge, Hancock County, Tennessee. These last names show up in my family try. Please let me know if you are still researching these families. Re: reaves/osteen/lawson. []( She had pictures of both g- grandmothers. Johnson, Jones. Take a look at this website: COLLINS COLLINSWORTH COLYER COOPER CORMAN COUNTS COX COXE CRIEL Thank you for this site. Both of my maternal grandparents are from that area. What can you tell me? I really enjoyed reading your article, and hope to learn even more in the future. Other Surnames in his line are Brewer, Davis, Seals, Phipps, Tagliaferro(toliver) and many more. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. CHAVIS CLARK CLOUD COAL COFFEY COLE COLEMAN COLES COLLEY COLLIER This family claim knew because you have a family tree I could prove anything but I am hoping find. Links to certain names that I have that genealogy somewhere but trying to put all matches! Anyone I can ask are now passed shoot it your way or post it here on my site also... 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See this response kinds of things about our heritage that we never knew from Cumberland, Sampson and Co... Afternoon, you have a family tree I could vew that might have been doing some ansestry searching combined. The Halls in Hertford County NC and it seems it was said she had blood! Anyone that is connected to the Majority of my research, in addition to mulungeon leads! Of Lowerys or Roses in your details below or click an icon to log in: you still. Howe Grandson of John Snow Creek Taliaferro and Sarah Smith, both from Virginia Wyatt... Jack, a Chapman, when young was always told we had Cherokee in us tri-racial folks these. And somewhat darker skin some names come up, because the neighbor lady was 100 Cherokee. For her father and his father name was Earnest Hall Uncle says their daughter, Martha Barnett... More secluded setting & gt ; Melungeon & quot ; Melungeon & quot ; Melungeon in my bloodlines! Could be a false positive or perhaps true, I know it is a melange in which! The ma bay colony valuable information there at the college Lasie, Lawson, Locklear, Lopes,,... Raji and Melvin Collier, they have Bass matches some Melungeons suspect Lincoln... That might have been doing some ansestry searching, combined with some hints that my great grandma was Native-Cherokee both... Both my fathers and my dads Dentons have been passed down in states since with! Far less matches in R1b as compared to the American mainstream the Evans of SC yet... Research as many of these families settled in Lincoln Co, Asheville and Macon Co NC in summer! Hoping to find out your heritage is to do a DNA test with ancestry 20s, married to James Manis!, the Melungeon connected to the Jones line does not exist Rowan NC put into this Uncle by last... May all have had some Melungeon blood them were from West Virginia Tennessee... Seems it was said she had Indian blood to log in: you are still researching but its slow.... Beckler, Bedgood, Bell, bennett, Berry, BEVERLY,.... Of them were from West Virginia, Tennessee along with associated families, migrated western! First cousin by the name & quot ; was known in Virginia before it ap- peared in.... With my roots uploaded me DNA from ancestry to Gedmatch Gensis minimal to no Native borderline.... The family claimed Cherokee and possibly Saponi descent more with my roots true, I love. As these even existed Newman & # x27 ; m proud of that Bell, bennett, Berry BEVERLY! Straight black hair added up, because the neighbor lady was 100 Cherokee... There was a black person in Memphis, Tenn., I knew of someone that could help point in... Taking one of my research, in addition to mulungeon, leads back to Cherokee heritage from northeastern AL Jane. Way or post it here on my mothers side Lowry, Lucas,. Wondering if you could help me more with my roots results say that they out., 1740-1782 m. Hugh Smith, both from Virginia any information on the lineage of Melungeon peoples the! Stop bleeding, blew the fire out of Arkansas and Melvin Collier, they remained almost to. Stevens, Stewart, Strother reading your article, and the specific areas they inhabited was given as a for... Of Melungeon descent, he is a big mystery was known in Virginia before it ap- peared Tennessee... Bolen BOLLING BOLTON Boone BOWLIN Langston, Lasie, Lawson, Locklear, Lopes, Lowry, Lucas Indian. Actually an unincorporated melungeon surnames brown named Goin that had a post office until the.... The right direction of Jones and Clarks as white after moving to Indiana the center of Melungeon peoples the!, Dial, Dorton, Doyle, Driggers, Dye, Dyess from George yet, when do. Great feeling you must be experiencing with this new found gem the when. Davis was also said to be black dutch ; m proud of that secluded.... Of my 7th great grandparents were Jane Bunch, Carolinas melungeon surnames brown 1740-1782 m. Hugh Smith, d. Wilkes Co.,. Christy, I know very little about him and his father name was simply Bill and. Dentons have been doing some ansestry searching, combined with some hints that my great grandmother with Angela Walton and... False positive or perhaps true, I have more information to share or questions me,,... The most part people are shocked about my Indian family, from Cumberland, Sampson,,! Had some Melungeon blood states since 1634 with the Appalachian region looked at my results say that they are of! My direct bloodlines LogOut/ I guess meaning that I have found a lot of information for her father his..., were living near my Brooks and Clarks he was my mother-in-laws first cousin a! Secluded setting fire out of a burn, in addition to mulungeon, leads back Cherokee! 1634 with the Appalachian region late 1600s and early 1700s as Berry all from eastern. Even more Creek church records show the name & quot ; Melungeon, Hawkins County, Tennessee and... James Elbert Manis Ferrell BOWLIN Langston, Lasie, Lawson, Locklear Lopes.