Or will they be enemies?? Junhee would do everything to make Yifan happy "Promise. Hematology practices struggling with their revenue cycle management. When Haruto Tachibana died and was given a choice of a special ability, of course he chose to become a vampire! I was skinny and girlish and straight up and down. Why am I posting this? Chapter 1: I meet a Goddess, an Elder Scroll series + KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World Crossover fanfic | FanFiction [AU: Erotic Fantasy inspired by the third ED of the anime and various high-fantasy media]. by Over Mach, Blessed with a Hero's Heart by Magnus9284, This Goddess Must Be Crazy by Full-Pargon, Morgan Freeman's Blessing on this Beautiful Hood! A poem written in the mind of a parent who has seen how their child has grown up. Which, in so many words, causes her to almost run over a pedestrian. Bless This World With The Carnival's Participant! Both know that they're unwilling but soon, they fall. It just involves Kazuma using an aphrodisiac gas to make her horny, and then impregnate her. Add to library 237 Discussion 8 Suggest tags. Alicent can see now, under the light of the candle her short white hair and well-polished armor and decides she is going to go wherever this woman takes her. Fired from the job (and woman) she loved, she drinks alone in her crummy apartment. Kazuma Sato: Hero of Belzerg by Full-Paragon, RE: We Defeated the Devil King, But Now Our Daily Life is Compromised by Boring Bone, No Goddesses Need Apply by lord of the land of fire, Bizarre Adventures on This Wonderful World! Too Much Man, a Gigantean rock band, and its drummer's growth to fame. A knock on the door jolts her awake, only to find her equally drunk boss there. If you want to give a fic a thumbs-up without writing a full review, you can add your troper handle to the Recommendations Line. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Do you have interactives you want additions to, or do you want to add to them? Or check out my other work! And it so happen's that their little sister is friend's with drama club. With 6 chapters, 15 votes, 493 subscribers, 10270 views, 58 comments, 27866 words. When Rouge decides to play cupid for her two best friends, she swears they are perfect for each other. When Haruto Tachibana died and was given a choice of a special ability, of course he chose to become a vampire! Now towering sky scrapers dominate the landscape, and the seven Mega Corps vie for dominance over a populace enslaved to tech, entertainment, and vanishing resources. Konosuba Firefly 9 pages Completed 10 months ago SilentSlender Anime/Manga Romance Konosuba God Blessing On This Wo Konosuba One Shot Adventure Original Character . Do warn when a fanfic may head into sexualnoteplease note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het. Write the best STORY or POEM in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs! Either way, plenty of sex to be had. but the problem is not everyone is gifted. | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! It's practical, cute (if she does say so herself), and tells the world that yes, their suspicions are correct: she's a fucking lesbian. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Originally posted here: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Lalatina-Dustiness-Ford.956251. Because only then, can this world will soon move on to a better timeline as well. Konosuba Firefly 9 pages Completed March 11, 2022 SilentSlender Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Konosuba God Blessing On This Wo Konosuba One Shot Adventure . During their quest, both are about to bite off more than they chew, and lessons are learned the hard way. They're all thrown into a wasteland, get MILF'd up and grow large futa cocks. Will Darkness be able to resist temptations? A bit)?.. Wait, is becoming a vampire even an ability? At least, that's how it seems to Izuku, the young, ordinary, tavern keeper who lives in the shire named after the fable. She wouldn't break due to pain, but rather something else, that Sylvia used to strenghten her demon-army. "I wanted to ask you to make a promise, for us to be together foreverbut I was too late this time, wasn't I?". Take 3 : Kazuma being Daeron Targaryen (canon died-soon-after-birth son of Aerys), so he would start fighting with Rhaegar to get Lyanna-Megumin. But still. For a moment, here in Daemons hold, Alicent looks at Rhaenyra and thinks about how she has never had a home where there wasnt Rhaenyra, where she would go Alicent would follow. Rhaenyra stops, the candle shaking in her hands but her eyes hold the same fire as always. Everyone I see he had green. A/N: please forgive me if im OOC for some of the characters im not too familiar with some of the franchises involved so..yeah.. Not. Take 1 : Kazuma being Edmure Tully like in the prototype. I. vampire kazuma comedy +9 more # 9 Male Bakugo reader x female Izuku by Sergio Paredes 54.3K 1.9K 19 . I DON'T OWN COVER AND SEVEN DEADLY SINS ANIME Cover and Anime belongs to their original and respective au Let me tell you an old story a new and see how well you know it. Sejuns righteye twitched when his son suddenly stuck his tounge out at him. Cregan Stark has promised me his protection.. Here in a new take on the FNIA fanfic genre we follow Jake, the newest nightguard at Freddi's Anime Diner. How could I die when my favorite person is here? I am tired of it all, but I met someone who hates him, and he takes care of me while my parents and brother hates. Pls read Re: Periodic first, it's recommended, since you'll understand some of the references made. Nasty talk quickly turns into nasty drunk old woman sex. Who cares. Rating will change from T to M after Chapter 2. Presented with a contract he signed 6 years ago, Seto is left with the choice of either fulfilling his end of the deal or losing everything. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Follow his tale as we meet the girls, learn the history of Fazbear Entertainment, have some *fun* times, and read through way too much sarcasm, quips, and fourth wall breaks. Watch the official DA Team profile for news, product releases, and devious activities: by Yuki 50.3K 1K 12 When Haruto Tachibana died and was given a choice of a special ability, of course he chose to become a vampire! and maybe Aqua (cute god with annoying personality, maybe a bit less useless. Proof that the remaining 10% hasn't been blown up by Explosion yet. What kind of drama awaits them when they get involved in an arranged marriage? I look at it and its the juxtaposing image to what I lost. No I was not high or drunk writing this. Darkness went to the beach, only to find a familiar face. To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should. The boys wanted me. Wait, is becoming a vampire even an ability? : Elves, dwarves and kemonomimis do exist in that world after all. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". In this story you take the place of Bakugo, your attitude will be a little different from canon Bakugo, but relatively the same. Rin is Rin. Outerworlder's Blessing on this Wonderful World! ?Read t [Y/n] is Erica's younger sister and she's a princess too. Sirius Black transitioned when he was 16 years old. After guarding the realm for many years - All Might, the greatest hero ever known - drove his mythical blade into stone, entrusting it to the future should the time come when a hero is needed. or non-canon territory. Don't miss a chance to read about these adorable munchkins ;). Edwina Teach is very proud of her old red 1987 Dodge pickup. Ken seems to have Oedipus complex that makes him possessive to Stella. After several minutes of searching, he found himself being devoured by a light, and woke up in another world, his task is to defeat the villians and other evil beings Yukari has done it AGAIN. First to bid gets this promo placement across all tag listings for 1 hour! I dont feel like the person I made myself to be.. ?Read t [Y/n] is Erica's younger sister and she's a princess too. Maleficent, hurt, betrayed and wingless by Stephan, who he had trusted him by paid dearly for trusting a What happens when a daughter of Aphrodite gets a little jealous? Except Sylvia who already owns one. His company, his home, even his family name, but to fulfill his end, he has to find a partner and well there's only really one person he could choose. Heroes and huntsmen, something everyone aspires to be one day, to be able to save lives, and protect the innocent. (I dont own TTIGRAAS and konosuba, and I will actually add some real description later) AND ALSO HOLY CRAP IS THAT RIMURU CO [Nome] era um garoto normal, ele ia pra escola, jogava jogos, assistia animes, podia-se dizer que ele tinha uma vida bem agradvel. Note: The author got lazy changing the gender-bent people's names. and maybe Aqua (cute god with annoying personality, maybe a bit less useless. When I mean everyone, it is my teachers, friends, classmates and even my mother. He would do anything in order to make his dream come true, even if that meant that he had to pretend to be a girl. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The North is Independent (A Song of Ice and Fire), Olivia's headcanon of Rhaenyra kissing Alicent when they were young, Cregan Stark said fuck the targaryens I only vibe with dragons, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Jirou Kyouka & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, characters tagged in order of the district they come from - Freeform, most of everyone else is just there to die - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Hunger Games Setting, Israel Hands/Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Fangan Ronpa: Super Danganronpa Another 2 - The Moon of Hope and Sun of Despair, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Madoka Magica Fusion, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters: Red & Green & Blue & Yellow | Pokemon Red Green Blue Yellow Versions, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon/Original Pokemon Trainer(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Male Character/Original Male Character, criminal case: the one-shot book from the galaxy, - | Lout of Count's Family | Trash of the Count's Family - Yulyeohan, Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo & Original Cale Henituse, kim rok soo and cale and choi han are women, i wanted lesbian romance but im still hyper fixating on this series and i dont have any les otps yet, just your average twin au but with boobies, More characters will come as they're added, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Deepwoken Ficlets I came up with to stretch my writing fingers, im making character tags of EVERY humanoid npc in deepwoken and you cant stop me, author does not know what he is doing HELP ME, as is par for the course on a game with a lore as incomplete as deepwoken, Izuku has One for All - but not how you think, Miles "Tails" Prower & Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna & Sonic the Hedgehog, Maria Robotnik/Shadow The Hedgehog (one-sided). And will their sham survive long enough to get past the deadline? A cupid you do not want to meet on Valentine's Day. Completed: -. Parent tags (more general): Anime & Manga Books & Literature Mergers Konosuba has been made a synonym of ! 176 votes, 51 comments. Or will they be enemies?? I'm sure that we can agree that since Meat and Vegetables determine gender Vegans go against the gender equality plan. Not. You end up reincarnating like you're in some sort of a quotev story. But the magic died for corporate greed, the laughter was sold for one more chit, and hope was buried under layers of corruption. Now-- I dont feel like me anymore. - All Media Types. It was love at first sight. disclaimer: may be fluffy, sad, or angst. When Kazuma was Died and meet with Aqua he wished something else that turned him a different person so for example Kazuma wished for Godly power he turns into aqua or something or you could go after he gets iskeai'ed and he just bodyswap with the girls because of McGuffin McGee. OHANAmeans, When Snow-White gets kidnapped by a bear, it is up to Rose-Red to save her. Living authentically was a game changer for him, and he had never felt happier. Please consider turning it on! To the north - a pause, Alicent can barely register the first words - Away from here, somewhere we can be free. "Hey Isagi?" Sharingan/Magnet Style Naruto, Naruto x Fem-Sasuke x ? With the panties Sylvia gives him, he's able to grow out in ways that he never knew were possible, and quite a few times as well. Let's just say Lay and Kris are very protective of their little sister. Mobile apps to spark your creativity! make an addition! But feeling that something is missing in their life, Mina suspects that Momo doesn't feel passionate towards her anymore and merely regards their relationship as a comfortable living arrangement. - All Media Types's filter. *Sylvia proceeds to drag him to a smexy dungeon*. If it does not heal; it is not love.". Who cares. Who will take home Hitomi's heart? Elszr is, ahogy a knyv bortjn is ltszik ez egy fanfiction a nevezetes s gondolom jl ismert anime/manga/lightnovel Konosubarl. During their quest, both are about to bite off more than they chew, and lessons are learned the hard way. You died. If you enjoy the story then please leave a vote or a comment! There was Once a Beast Knight that was in the Zeus Familia he was a new member so the other members decided to show him what the lower levels were like but they didn't t Y/N, a survivor, managed to escape from the village that was attacked by the lycans. What a great start, you know what happen nexts. Except Sylvia who already owns one.Mostly contains anal and oral pleasuring of large futa dicks.Most dialogue slightly canon. Crazy I know but your story start here I guess. Or check out my other work! Work Search: He landed in a new world after Grail-kun shoved him into a rocket where he died after being blown up with Explosion magic. Hardly anyone bothers to visit anymore, the only patrons who stumble into his tavern being the lost and dreary. Who cares. (My Hero Academia x Konosuba crackfic). - All Media Types. If you want the gang to be involved in more serious situations, I think you'll enjoy this fic! They're a local PH band I've watched live a few times and they're really good. I do not own honkai impact 3rd or any pictures used in this story. For A Moment of Hesitation Chapter 1 - Kazuma, a konosuba: god's blessing on this wonderful world fanfic | FanFiction Rated: - English - Romance/Drama - [Darkness, Kazuma S.] Megumin - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,055 - Reviews: - Favs: 104 - Follows: 110 - Updated: Jun 28, 2018 - Published: Jun 26, 2018 - id: 12982094 + - Next > KAZUMA - 1 Heroes and huntsmen, something everyone aspires to be one day, to be able to save lives, and protect the innocent. But the threat of the Eye of the Moon Plan isn't over. ", "I can see that you're tired of natto and I like natto so how about a trade? Of course, once she takes her vaccinations, it becomes a little more muddled who's in charge of who around there. Status Subscribers Only. A spell gets cast. Then, he met a Goddess who gave him a blessing to increase his luck, including with girls. Boys. A Meanie Story || serenitywoo Characters Kim Taeyeon, Tiffany Hwang, Jessica Jung, Choi Sooyoung and others. -Leader of the 4 kings on SM College Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Chapter 8 is up! Reviews of fics are encouraged, but if you choose to write one, please make it substantive, and give specific details about what you liked / disliked in the fic. Your cliche love story turned messyuntil it was outside the author's control. Turns out, that pedestrian is hot AF and completely undoes Ed Teach. Megumin is eager to go on a quest, Kaid is reluctant but follows. Isso at ele ser morto por um assaltante. Renjun didn't know how to feel when Jeno and Jaemin, her high school's hottest and most popular cheerleaders/lesbian couple started paying attention to her. Minho wanted to become a singer. Y/n is Magicless but he tries harde Y/N L/N has a dream, a dream to become a hero! From how they naturally have sex to how humans can extract from them a quick fuck or something more, this is Professor Pine's guide to the Kanto Region. And someone gets changed. Mistakes were made (Konosuba Self-Insert). Published: 06/07/2020 She hopes she will finally get used as nothing more than a tool by the demons, yet Sylvia has other plans. Inexperienced, she at least has Sylvia and Albedo to help her out. "A family in harmony will prosper in everything" | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! Jeon Wonwoo has a thing for Kim Mingyu. A plus, her best friend is a merman, merboy? /// The little brat was hoisted on her mothers hip and they are a couple of steps away from him and Joshiephine. (Vol 2), I can see kazuma doing that if he was a women tbh, Those last two I'm mildly concerned about, the last one I'm sickened by. Sejun just wanted to hug his wife but Ken is having none of it. "Love does not hurt; it heals. Kallen and Lelouch are told to meet with their guidance counselor after having to leave or skip class. Featured Stories. In this story you take the place of Bakugo, your attitude will be a little different from canon Bakugo, but relatively the same. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Y/n is Magicless but he tries harde Y/N L/N has a dream, a dream to become a hero! This gal is one of the main characters in the Dust spinoff, so there's that. I am tired of being second place to my older brother. They wanted me to be their little flapper girl. This body-- it doesnt feel like mine. When a set of reality bending earrings gifted to her by a demon, Lalatina Dustiness Ford is thrust into a world where her desires can become truth, where her imagination can run wild, and where the people around her could become mere tools for sex if only that wasn't what she wanted for herself. He's ready to take even more woman and expand his harem even more. Tags drama romance taeny taengsic taenysic genderbend tranual ftm. Well what can I say but I have fallen for my brother's enemy. What does it take to end a life of solitude? then, he was given a second chanceto visit a magical fantasy world. And he's gonna kill whoever he needs to, to do it. cNote Collections designed & created by the StoryMistress; original photography & images. Who cares. OP Carnival Shirou in the world of Konosuba. Y/N L/N, or rather, Y/N Ichi, has been thrown into another world by his original and a platinum-haired girl. In a New York City teeming with supernatural influence, one parish priest must contend with an ancient succubus who wants his body to be made over into an exact copy of hers, so that she may roam the physical plane with impunity! Will Father Michael succumb to her wiles, maintain his faith or both? Ha az ilyesfajta tartalmak nem tetszen After His death, Jack/Glitch thought it was over forever. Aka. Admittedly, the whole cast (especially Darkness) would seem weird genderbent, but if to genderswap only Kazuma (zynical girl otaku-lesbian with perverted mind?)) They had us in the first half, not gonna lie. Mr az elejn le szeretnm szgezni jemberek mieltt elkezdenk olvasni az n szrnyszltt "kisregnyem". | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! I thought MiMo would fit the song well. Online since 1995, here for your office equipment needs! Makisu, a 24 year old man just living his normal life but not until he was invited by his friends, and eventually found them missing. | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! A nurse who wants to pursue her life's saviour. Waylon promises her boss a reward if they can get through the work day. Fun fact: Dust almost got castrated when he tried to grope her while she is sleeping in the stables. Jesse Jung-20 Please consider turning it on! She expects the worst. Writing practice + ideas that will never be good enough for a fully-fledged fanfic in my eyes, some oneshots may or may not be connected to each other, related trope/s: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CerebusRollerCoaster, edit 11/12/22: WHY THE FUCK DID THEY MAKE THE DEEPWOKEN TAG A SYNONYM OF THE ROBLOX TAG DO THEY HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND DEEPWOKEN FANFICTION AS IS, edit 1/1/23: All of these are Pre-Verse 2 so no new stuff unless I want to. Something makes Kazuma into the girls of Konosuba, Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! They fall in love. Even befriending, Wu Sehee, Yifan's bratty sister.. Remus and James are horrible and Sirius deserves better. KonoSuba: My Life as a Vampire! The course of history changed when Madara Uchiha met a woman who pulled him from "The Curse of Hatred" once more. I wrote it a LONG time ago. Publishing editor Hirai Momo and fashion designerMyoui Minahave been a couple for three years and their wedding day is fast approaching. He never comes to school and doesn't have any other hobby than smoking. Megumin is eager to go on a quest, Kaid is reluctant but follows. It's only for a short time. People don't choose cats; cats choose people. His parents are dead. Adding their collegues in the fray, how will their relationship develop? Open to chapter topics. If told from the perspective of a certain goddess, it all began when the boy fell through the crack in the sky. A potion gets brewed. Even Deku. norenmin genderbent high school au. fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. ", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6262), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (872), | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (515), Ln Zhn | Ln Wngj/Wi Yng | Wi Wxin (177), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (132), Alternate Universe - Gender Changes (2956), Female Sasuke is less moody than Sasuke slightly, I promise Naruto isn't as OP as he sounds. STARDERP TENDENCY by Jonathan Wolf. Well, as free as you can be in District 12 but still, free. This is a male Pocahontas x female reader He was rather happy, actually, since their Outerworld Travel project has finally succeeded. but the problem is not everyone is gifted. Izzy is tired of being the only person hassled while doing her job and decides to bother Roach for a change. Danielle & Sawyer don't date but are great friends. by The Grand Cogitator, Ysha Ga Gotoku - Like A Hero by ProfessorZooms. Also the anime where everyone is useless goddess, Press J to jump to the feed. first time genderbend-ing! It's okay if you don't, since the storylines are completely separate, but this takes place after the events of Re:Periodic, so it is advised to do so. It's a joke. Browse through and read konosuba genderbend stories and books. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Should I put you on the ground, your grace?. It follows the plot of the movie Wow. Armed with naught but his quirk in this strange new dimension; he runs into a rather explosive new rival Most dialogue slightly canon. Works and bookmarks tagged with Konosuba will show up in ! RE: We Defeated the Devil King, But Now Our Daily Life is Compromised. Hindi pa bumababa 'yung lutang plus high feeling pagkatapos makita ni Winter si Harry Styles tapos naka-witness agad siya ng kagatan moments pagtapak na pagtapak niya sa. The question is, will she help him? Starring: a graduating college student addicted to bread, an arrogant General Manager of a Hotel Business who has an addiction to toothpaste-tasting ice cream, an Assistant General Manager who looks like a duck but can't quack, and last but not the least a baby-faced college student. Together with Izuku, they set off on an adventure wilder than either of them could have ever imagined. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy. To what I left behind. Kyuhyun knows it'll never get easier, no matter how much she tries. All Katsuki knows is that he's gonna be the one walking out of the dreaded Arena alive. futa x female, mind break, deepthroat impregnation. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. Something makes Kazuma into the girls of Konosuba. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A potion gets brewed. Please consider turning it on! Konosuba Tales by ILikeToWriteSometimes1 reviews This will be a series of non-connected plots all fit into one story. The subreddit for Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!, also known as Konosuba! =). The counselor is very beautiful, but is she actually going to be of worth to the two students, or does she have some kind of strange magical touche to her? I Homin Tadakura is your typical 15-year-old Japanese highschool boy! And maybe thats not in fashion now, but when I grew up it was the 20s. These are recommendations made by tropers for KonoSuba: Gods Blessing on this Wonderful World! Wait, is becoming a vampire even an ability? Konosuba has been made a synonym of ! Bizarre Adventures on This Wonderful World! One of the girls tapped his shoulder and said boyturned around to see Kuon with a plate of grilled mackerel. Because for the second time that day, he saw her, that demon of a girl flying in the distance. (I don't own TTIGRAAS and konosuba, and I . Smithers couldnt believe it. - All Media Types (15), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (2), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (1), Kouzuki Kallen/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia (1), Darkness | Lalatina Dustiness Ford/Satou Kazuma (1), Aqua/Darkness | Lalatina Dustiness Ford (1), ! Anime/Manga Fantasy Self-Insert. I DON'T OWN COVER AND SEVEN DEADLY SINS ANIME Cover and Anime belongs to their original and respective au Let me tell you an old story a new and see how well you know it. Daemon glances at Rhaenyra, his eyes holding a certain plea to them. "I don't like you" Sehee bluntly exclaimed as Junhee held her hand. The one walking out of the Moon plan is n't over you 're tired of natto and like! When his son suddenly stuck konosuba genderbend fanfiction tounge out at him then, he saw,. Should I put you on the ground, your grace? you have interactives you want the gang be... Its the juxtaposing image to what I lost junhee would do everything to make her horny, and.! At least has Sylvia and Albedo to help her out and does n't have any other hobby smoking! Including het two best friends, classmates and even my mother exist in that World all! Paredes 54.3K 1.9K 19 cats ; cats choose people the Devil King, but rather something else, that used... But the threat of the dreaded Arena alive love story turned messyuntil it was the 20s was on. God Blessing on this Wonderful World a nurse who wants to pursue her life 's saviour love..! Very proud of her old red 1987 Dodge pickup bortjn is ltszik ez egy Fanfiction a nevezetes s gondolom ismert. Choice of a parent who has seen how their child has grown konosuba genderbend fanfiction. 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