Mr. WILCOTT - Well, my tires were slashed and damage done to my car and I believe sugar poured in the gas tank, and whether this was actually CIA or not I have no way of knowing, and it could also have been just for harassment as a result of antiwar activities but I think there is also a possibility that it could have been attempts to intimidate me into talking about the CIA. Mr. SAWYER - Do you distinguish between an agent and a paid informant or do you use those terms interchangeably? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I have. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. Please excuse this messy letter. Mr. Wilcott. Mr. WILCOTT - None initially. Apparently, security measures to keep people from talking continued even after they went into retirement or found other occupations. Wilcotts affidavit and deposition were declassified by the ARRB. Mr. DODD - When you decided to release that information? Mr. DODD - Just one second, then. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And a copy of the relevant House Resolutions? Mr. CORNWELL - Did they request that you leave? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Confirming these observations were two more spectators, Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards, who saw a man with light-colored hair and a light-colored open-neck shirt at a window on the fifth floor. Mr. WILCOTT - All of the people that we mentioned in the case. In 1974, I met a person who says she was at that time working for Bill Schelly, who says he was Lee Harvey Oswalds superior at the time of the assassination. She said that there is a whole lot more to tell about the TSBD than what has been publishedthat the whole building should be suspected as more or less of a safe base to operate from that day in November 1963.[9]. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't really have anything and maybe I would just like to say I think it is time we got this thing cleared up; and I think for the good of the country and for good of the people I think it is really time that all of the facts were brought out and the people really get the facts. If you should need to contact me, you may do so in care of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal newspaper in Lubbock, Tx. James Wilcott worked out of the Tokyo CIA station at the time of the assassination. Below is an excerpt from Harriss letter dated December 15, 1992: Enclosed is the Bill Shelley document I read to you over the phone. John P. Horton, XXXXXXXXX Section; XXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch; and Chester Ito, XXXXXXXXX Branch; and Kan Takai, XXXXX Branch; and Jim Delaney, China Branch; and Bob Rentner, SR Branch -- and there is some question about that, the branch he was with. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How did you become employed with the CIA? Then in 2009 I read and reviewed James Douglass's masterpiece, JFK and the Unspeakable, and my traumatic memories of 1963 and after came flooding back in full force. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I never really looked. He asked that a copy of the letter be sent to his homenot to the business addressand after he read it, he would check into it. These promotions will be applied to this item: Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. And during that period, I had been promoted, GS-7 and also gained a career status. In 1938, he became a salesman for Scott Foresman. Since a cubic foot of books is about 25 to 30 pounds, a box such as this, when loaded with books, would have weighed around 375 to 450 poundstoo heavy to manage with a handcart. That was the SR branch which had all of the projects having anything to do with the Soviet Union. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What was your response to this revelatic as to what Oswald's cryptonym was? All seven boxes had the names of schoolbook publishers stamped on them. I next called John Peets, the manager of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. This is more than just an investigative report. That would be William Shelley, who Oswald worked under for six weeks as an order filler for the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). Mr. SAWYER - When you refer to Oswald as an agent, you are referring to the extent you have -- as an agent as opposed to a paid informer, in effect? [18] Carolyn Walther, 24H522; Edwards, 24H207; Fischer, 24H208. Although he left in December 1973, he was certain that the musician who disappeared in Dallas was not among the core members of the band. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. Findings of the Select Committee on Assassinations in the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tenn. April 4, 1968. You may have noticed that at the end of my letter to Alternative Views I carbon-copied to my will. It was intended as a jab at myself lest I get too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now. Mr. PREYER - It was your conclusion from that talk that some of these people might have knowledge that he was a CIA agent rather than that they were speculating about it? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, they did not. Upon exiting the elevator, he saw a short hallway. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, when did you leave the agency? [11] Glaze misdated his letter as 12/12/74.. Do you follow the question? Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is the name of the book? As a CIA employee, Wilcott stated under oath that many people told him that Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of the CIA after the assassination had occurred. Mr. WILCOTT - Anything they had there would have -- sometimes they used as many as two or three different cryptonyms and they would have -- it all depended on how far they wanted to isolate it from the original source, from the original source as to where the project was run. It could be a hoax, but sounds sincere. Mr. WILCOTT - Especially after Kennedy's assassination, there was a great deal of very, very serious discontent with CIA, and the morale at the station had dropped considerably, and we heard some very, very bitter denunciations of CIA and the projects that they were undertaking. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I am not sure that that is responsive. Like Frazier, who was eating lunch in the basement, Oswald went to the first-floor lunchroom to eat his lunch. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people from the CIA did you speak to who speculated that Oswald was an agent? Then, as time Went on, I began to hear more things in that line. Mr. DODD - You liked him? The incident occurred in about 1969. [6] They held a big meeting during which they warned everyone not to discuss the assassination with outsiders. The letters themselves came to me from Larry Ray Harris, a prominent researcher of the Kennedy assassination, who knew a lot about the shooting of Officer Tippit and was featured in the British television documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy. [19] Immediately after Adams and Styles went out the back door, Officer Marion Baker came in through the front door and met Roy Truly. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, you never checked the cash disbursement files to see if any reference was made there to Oswald's cryptonym, is that correct? Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, is your testimony then that even though. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't understand. [28] A roll call of warehouse employees seemed to indicate that Oswald was indeed absent. Mr. DODD - And she was aware of it from 1964 up until 1968 --
Mr. WILCOTT - It was a book that I had. Mr. DODD - at that time? He refused to let me quote him or use his name in print. Try again. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, how long were these advance books retained? Mr. WILCOTT - Well, that was just those that were assigned to XXXXXX and those projects that were assigned to XXXXXXXX. Admittedly, there is no record of Shelleys arrest, but that does not necessarily mean Glaze was wrong. The incident involving two government agents asking new employees strange questions also occurred at this location. Enclosed is a copy of the response from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director of the Select Committee on Assassinations. Joe Molina, credit manager for the book depository since 1947, worked with FBI informer William Lowery in infiltrating leftist organizations. JFK Assassination : The James B. Wilcott Files And The CIA Oswald Project: An Investigative Report. Mr. WILCOTT - No, I didn't. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And who is Jerry Fox? They constructed a new building in the northwest part of Dallas, which both companies shared. They were co-hosts of a program called Alternative Views featuring news, interviews, and opinion pieces from a progressive point of view. Assassinations, The subcommittee met at 10:20 a.m., pursuant to notice, in room 2344 of the Rayburn Office Building, the Honorable Richard Preyer (Chairman of the subcommittee), presiding. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And would he corroborate your observation that Oswald was an agent? I asked Mr. Peets if he knew of any member of the band who disappeared in Dallas in the mid-1970s. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Would you tell the Committee what the "need-to-know" principle is? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Well, if I understand your correctly, then, you answer now was somewhat different from what you testified earlier. Every station was divided up -- at least every class station was divided up into areas, where we would have a China, branch, Korea branch and XXXXXXXX branch and SR branch and SR satellite. Mr. PREYER - And Miami, was that comparable in size? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - As a matter of routine, there would be that reference? Oversized boxes were also seen by Joe Bergin, Jr. when he visited his father at the 411 Elm Street building. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't remember his name now offhand. Those are discussions with people who gave the indication that there was every certainty that Oswald was an agent of CIA, runout of XXXXXXX Station, and that he was freed from Russia there in the final courses in Russia and was trained by CIA people at Atsugi. Mr. SCHAAP - Excuse me. In this area were numerous cardboard boxes, four feet square by five feet high. Present: Representatives Preyer (presiding), Dodd and Sawyer. Mr. WILCOTT - Not directly, no, sir. In 1947, the year when the CIA was formed, the Dallas city directory lists William Shelley as a clerk for the Hugh Perry Book Depository (the old name for the Texas School Book Depository), and that he had a room at 515 Martinique Avenue. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, are you here with Counsel today? Mr. CORNWELL - Your best memory is, you wrote it on a note paid, is. This was just prior to moving to Langley, in finance, and my duties there were policing accounts, and included auditing of special accounts. Mr. WILCOTT - XXXXXXXXXXXX George Breen, Ed Luck, and. Mr. WILCOTT - I may have, sir, and I can't remember. [5] Examination of city directories and phone books in the Dallas Public Library shows that the book depository and the publishing companies did not have the 411 Elm Street address until 1963. In 1984, they began sending tapes of their programs to public access channels in Dallas and San Antonio and then to other cities around the country, hence the name of the umbrella organization, the Alternative Information Network. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for JFK Assassination : The James B. Wilcott Files And The CIA Oswald Project: An Investigative Report at Two weeks later, he wrote back: Received your letter of July 7, 1999. His duties routinely brought him in contact with all station people, and in particular with operational agents. exactly for sure. 3 By James Mathis and Martha Wagner Murphy Enlarge A photograph from Warren Commission exhibits shows the open limousine that carried President and Mrs. Kennedy through downtown Dallas. I did not pay attention to this at the time. 1964, of course, the Vietnam war was going on and Lyndon Johnson was now president. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you ever actually Xerox records being destroyed or changed? Mr. DODD - And it includes the information that Oswald was an agent? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. This fear casting a shadow over the lives of former employees was also directed against journalists seeking to lift the veil of secrecy. Did you contact any CIA officer or employee with respect to the secrecy oath and discuss with them whether or not you should be permitted to discuss these matters outside of the Agency? Mr. WILCOTT - I flipped through it. [27] Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust p. 115. He kept his pocket calendars from his years of employment, and he noted when the grocery company moved out of the building to a new facility in another part of Dallas. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes sir. James B. Wilcott was a CIA accountant who disbursed CIA station funds in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So that they would be routinely destroyed at the time of auditing? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to check those particular files? the day we would list all of the advances that were made in an advance book. This is an indication that the covert side of the schoolbook business had shifted to the Scott Foresman and Southwestern building, perhaps because the notoriety of the TSBD had hampered its ability to conduct smuggling operations and thus had to be discontinued. Mr. WILCOTT - Not that I can recall. James B. Wilcott worked for the CIA from May of 1957 to April of 1966. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Mr. WILCOTT - Destroyed or changed. [2] As we shall see, there is evidence that Oswald worked with another CIA agent in Dallas. My next call was to the Alternative Information Network founded by Doug Kellner and Frank Morrow. (National Archives, RG 272) No other event of the last 75 . Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - You testified that your records were only kept for thirty days, is that correct? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - I am sorry? [4] FBI report of Roy Truly interview by Nat Pinkston, November 23, 1963, File No. Mr. WILCOTT - Generally so, I would say, at that time. Mr. WILCOTT - I can't remember, sir. Mr. CORNWELL - Did they tell you whether or not you passed the polygraphs? Mr. PREYER - I believe you have written an article about this, an unpublished article. Copyright 2016-2022 by All Rights Reserved. But I was intrigued -- and it may have been in the transcription but you were in XXXXX as financial disbursement officer -- is it your testimony that you were told by a case officer that you had disbursed funds for an Oswald project? Report of Roy Truly interview by Nat Pinkston, November 23, 1963, File No, they did pay! Response from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director of the Band who disappeared in Dallas the. Too full of myself rereading it 50 years from now Fischer, 24H208 refused to let me quote or. 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