Although these palms are drought-tolerant once they're established, water during dry spells if you don't have irrigation. Where does it ship from? I would like them to be darker in appearance. Here is a link that might be useful: Sikkens, This post was edited by cc179 on Tue, Sep 17, 13 at 17:54. Let us know more about the Phoenix Sylvester Palm trees along with their care and maintenance. When finishing the seal, the seal cutter drilled a hole through the stone so it could be wore as a pendant or pin. Cuttings should be carefully removed from healthy stems at a node (point where leaf meets stem) and carefully placed in moistened perlite. The palms are otherwise pretty healthy. I think if you matched that color in a stain for the front door. Keep the soil moist but well-drained, watering more in times of drought and less when there is rainfall. Salt:Moderate USDA Zones 8b (15 to 20 F) to 11 (above 40 F). Just my opinion. A slow, one-hour trickle of water should do the job. Root Damage Adding fertilizer to the soil when planting a palm is a common mistake. Although Sylvester Palm plants are slow-growing, they will eventually need to be pruned back if they become top-heavy. They will produce roots within 2 to 3 months and can then be transplanted into small containers with damp soil. Growing up to around 40 feet tall, these palms can withstand a temperature as low as about 10 F.Moreover, the foliage forms an umbrella-like appearance with a spread of about 12 feet. I will take before/after pictures. We normally are very friendly. Philodendron Congo Apple The Best Growing Tips, Alocasia Silver Giant The Best Care Guide. Like many other members of its family, it produces cones with densely clustered seeds at the top of the trunk, which can grow up to four to six inches in length. I use an 18v Dewalt Reciprocating Saw. There are many tools available depending on the job. 2. Will I massacre my phoenix sylvestris if I use my chainsaw? Here's a handy ebook written just for you! Painting or staining your palm will not hurt it, other than aesthetically unless you make it dark enough to absorb enough heat to kill the inner tissue. We are Houston's largest nursery (20 acres). Woodipedia: Is It Cherry or Is It Alder? Moreover, these are also used for feeding cattle. You can plant them to form beautiful centres of your garden or corner stand-alone trees. There are many ethnic neighborhoods where just about every public palm is painted white. In fact, leave as many green fronds as you possibly can on the palm. Occasional pests may include mealybugs, mites, or scale insects, which can be controlled by handpicking or with the use of insecticidal sprays. This will also reduce the growth of new infertile date palms that seed themselves from the fruit. If an older plant becomes too large for its space, it can safely be cut back by about one-third during late winter or early spring to rejuvenate it and encourage new growth. Native to southern areas of Pakistan and India, Sylvester palms ( Phoenix sylvestris , U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11) also go by the common names wild date palm, India date palm and sugar date palm.The slow-growing palm tree works well as an eye-catching specimen and definitely adds a tropical flair wherever planted. Comments, anyone? Here's how to get started, Crack open a lesser-known ecofriendly design option: tiles, flooring, tables and more made from coconut shell and palm wood, Learn the differences between these two wood types, as well as costs, sustainability and a caution about finishing, A clients request: Build me a house where Disney meets Tudor. The architect explores the details that make the style, Let your newly repainted house or room do the "How d'ya like me now?" Water the soil to ensure the proper absorption of the nutrients. Sylvester Date Palm, Sugar Date Palm, India Date Palm, Silver Date Palm, Wild Date Palm, Toddy Palm. my large Sylvester palms have new growth out the top which turns brown. I'll bet its not that bad. Be careful and be safe folks! It has a medium tint, but it is not so dark it will channel sunlight to the trunk and hurt it. I like the suggestion of using strong coffee as a means of darkening the trunk. I soak them 2 times each week. I assume that I need to buy a more delicate saw of some type. Your link has been automatically embedded. The leaves are large, dark green, shiny, and deeply divided into glossy leaflets. When pruning palms, only remove fronds that are completely brown and that hang below the 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock position. Several hours of grinding out the putty between the planks. Sylvester Palm plants cannot be propagated by seeds since they require pollination to set fruit. The Here is a link that might be useful: King Palm Photos. Wont hurt the plant a bit. The darkening effect is completely gone now, and honestly I do not think it is worth the effort. This palm is very hardy. If it cannot be moved outdoors for the summer months, provide at least a few hours of direct sunlight. Looked nice too. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance.To check for soil moisture use your finger or a hand trowel to dig a small hole and examine the soil. Welcome Pink Petunia - I had some lovely petunias on my balcony last summer they just kept blooming and blooming - I thought to myself are these things ever gonna stop blooming - They did. We offer the best warranty in the industry and we actually stand behind our work. Although Sylvester Palm plants are slow-growing, they make attractive additions to the garden or home when provided with ample water, light, and nutrients. Use a reciprocal saw with a pruning blade (sometimes called an"Ugly Blade"). The leaves are 1 to 6 meters long and pinnate with shorter or no petioles at all. Sorry for giving you a bad first impression. Looked fine to me..if very temporary on the fast growing Washys. The other two trunks remain unstained. When should you think about pruning palm plants? However, this is a time taking procedure and better for experienced growers. Trunk is swollen at the base, about 13-18 inches in diameter. You wouldn't have to do a true Craftsman-I think they can get pretty pricey, too-but just a heavier wooden style. I've never heard of anyone spraying the trunk of a palm with shellac or varnish or even polyurethane.I use to work in a cabinet shop,when we built cabinets out of real wood we stained them then sprayed them with polyurethane.The reason we sprayed them with polyurethane was to seal the wood and to put a shiny finish on them.I've seen pictures of phoenix sylvestris with shiny looking trunks.I thought they looked funny because palm trunks aren't naturally that shiny.I wouldn't spray any kind of sealer on the trunk of any tree.It might look good for now,but it cant be good for the long term health of the tree. If it cannot be moved outdoors for the summer months, provide at least a few hours of direct sunlight. Avoid the sharp spines on the lowers fronds. Nevertheless, rich soil with good drainage capacity is good to go with these trees. I will eventually but my tallest trunk is 1 1/2ft tall on my 4 ft trachy. These plants do not require high humidity during their active growth phase, but the soil should be kept slightly moist at all times. (hence the common name "Toddy Palm"). These palms are too wide and spiky for containers. It is quite easy with the right saw. Thanks for the tip. Some gardeners make the mistake of doing this every year, and the tree becomes weak and unhealthy. Make sure you keep the distance of the spread of the canopy. Disinfect your pruning shears in the solution for 3-5 minutes by allowing them to soak. An ideal distance of growing palms in rows is about 6 feet. They have a slow growth rate, ultimately reaching a height of 50 feet. Drift rose, crown of thorns, jasmine minima (Asiatic jasmine), dwarf bougainvllea, and carissa. The removal of brown fronds only here on the Phoenix of Doom. Pruning them into pineapple shapes or skinning their trunks weaken the trees. Im not really "for" the staining / painting of tree trunks in general, but I have seen it. Anyway, neat discussion. Still with us? Low growers that like it on the drier side, such as Indian hawthorne, Space plants far enough from building foundations, walls, and decks so that the growing foliage wont crowd the structure. They looked very nice for only six months or so. Should I paint those two pieces or maybe strip them and re-stain partly and paint partly? My husband is a pretty good craftsman, and would be able to do the needed maintenance. Although they are native to areas with very humid air, Sylvester Palm plants will grow well in environments where the humidity is relatively low. Seals Pagodas, Gazebos, Trellises, Fence, Fascia, all wood projects except deck walking surfaces. Even if it wont hurt the palm. Cylinder seals functioned in a variety of waysit represented its owner, signed . Makes nice, clean cuts, and is easy to control. fertilizer containing micronutrients. Trim browned fronds as needed - which won't be often since the palm grows slowly. I've heard it is the same idea behind painting palm trunks. Sign up for our newsletter. It would take a palm sander to get the floor stripped of the old finish (a few hours of fun and excitement). Remove any hanging, dead or unhealthy fronds. You'll get to hand pick the trees and if you need, we can even install them for you. Mature Height:40 50 Looks like green petiole on some. The dioecious flowers grow gender-specific on different trees. Pour one part bleach to 10 parts water into a bucket (e.g. I would not stain my palm. As the cone matures, it turns brown and woody in texture. I guess Ineed to try a reciprocating saw and see if I get better results. Sylvester palms are slow growers to an ultimate height of 40 feet. The sap of the creamy Toddy palm flowers is processed to make a kind of alcohol. There are several reasons as to the painting of trunks of trees. Genus: Phoenix Heres everything you need to know about growing and caring for a thriving Sylvester Palm: Sylvester Palm is a sun-loving plant and thrives in full, bright light. Water 2 3 times per week until established. Moreover, the Diamond Cut Sylvester Palms grab all the attention and are nothing lesser than eye candies of the plant world. Looking back I never realized you could safely stain a trunk and I learned something after seeing the pics. Spray coating a clear shellac would be fading more quickly than a polyurethane. I think this could be a nice feature. Upload or insert images from URL. You can grow them both indoors and outdoors without many demands from these low-maintenance friends. See the photos attached of two Sylvester palms- one much smaller in a 15 gallon and one much bigger with the special cut. These Indian Palms are useful in a number of ways. If you want to know how and when to prune a palm tree to make it stronger and healthier, read on. It sounds dumb. The basic care of these drought-tolerant palms after establishment includes a slow-release palm fertilizer and annual pruning. Looking like a more compact, silvery version of the Canary Island date palm, the sylvester is a good choice for homeowners who like the looks of the Canary but don't have the room. Make clean cuts at the base of flower stems and stalks without cutting into the palm tree trunk. Think about cutting back a palm tree if you notice dead or dying fronds. Sylvester Palms are one of the most famous, low-maintenance, and cold hardy palms. I like them as they are one dark and 2 lighter ones. I do not think it looks tacky or unnatural. Machetes can easily knick the trunk of a date palm and allow Thielaviopsis trunk rot to infect and kill a palm tree. Palms have evolved over the eons to be efficient in their native environment. So, kind friends, my landscape-architect friend is coming for Labor Day, but I'm still brainstorming, so what do you think of this? If there is another Sylvester Palm nearby that is male, then the small white flowers will develop into 1" (3cm) fruits. So be careful and handle these eye candies carefully! Here is a list of Just a few of our trees we carry: We are Houston's largest nursery (20 acres). There is a really cool video on you tube if you type in palm tree classic cut. The flowers mature into small, single-seeded, edible dates that are a purplish-black when ripe. drought-tolerant as well as moderately-salt-tolerant. Do you think a good scrubbing with a stiff nylon brush would get the white film off. A stunning specimen in open areas or planted in a row along property lines, walls or drives. Sorry, I wasn't clear. These are cold hardy trees with a survival temperature as low as 10 F. They don't look bad. Plant in spring or early fall to give plants the best start.Choose a location that will allow roots to spread and branches to grow freely. Environment: This may be the main reason, why rpw has proven so devastating in southern Europe!! Disinfect your pruning shears before and after each use so as not to spread any types of tree diseases to healthy plants.Do not use a machete in place of pruning shears. I'd be afraid to try anything, but if I were to try anything, maybe food coloring would be safe.You sure would need alot and it probably wouldn't be practical. Actually post a pic of it now so we can see how it looks as is. Although they can grow indoors, these plants do not create their own food through photosynthesis and need to be fed regularly with an all-purpose fertilizer. Ornamental Characteristics: Consider whether tall trees or shrubs will block windows or interfere with the roof or power lines.To prepare the planting area dig a hole as deep as the root ball and three times as wide. Although they can grow indoors, these plants do not create their own food through photosynthesis and need to be fed regularly with an all-purpose fertilizer. I also think that a mantle would be a good idea for your fireplace. The bark and parts of the fronds can be rough and spiky so best to wear gloves when pruning. Finally, cut off all palm flowers and their fruit stalks with pruning shears. This classic palm lends an upscale, tropical appearance to the landscape with its elegant crown of fronds. These combine to form large in infructescence somewhat resembling a pendant in shape. There is no biological reason to do so and it can stress the tree. But here ya go: Saw a landscaping show on HGTV that was in Vegas and to spruce up the palm trees they sprayed them with some sort of stain. times a year - in spring summer and autumn - with a quality palm Wait a few seconds, then slowly pull the stamp away. When I have enough trunk I want to clean them up like these in this pic. This palm is The length of a mature palm leaf is between 2 to 3 meters. I was trying to see, and I could tell that the roofline extends out over the window. Copyright 2022 - International Palm Society We hope this helps to understand the Slyvestris palm better. Method 2. The silvery-green fronds with a typical spiny appearance make it look nothing lesser than an exotic beauty. Its a good thing but it sure drives me crazy sometimes. Does any know how this originated? Over-fertilizing plants or applying at the wrong time during the growing season can result in plant injury. Topping off this plant is rarely recommended since it may result in a weakened and unattractive appearance. I actually walked over to the bucket to see if I could identify the brand but could not. Or maybe a light sanding with sandpaper.I agree having all of them white does look strange. It's hard work. During hot spells thoroughly soaking the ground up to 8 (20 cm) every few days is better than watering a little bit daily. I would just be happy to have a palm with a trunk that large. Will the sylvester fruit all year round in SW Florida or only in the spring? They are composed of sporophylls or leaf-like scales on the stalk surrounding a central axis on which numerous small pollen-producing male flowers are found. I have two large Sylvester Palm Trees which, over the years, have developed discolored trunks due to multiple pruning events. The trunk is swollen at the base, about 13-18 inches in diameter. The height of a grown-up tree ranges from 4 to 15 meters. The trunk is swollen from the base with an average diameter of about 30 to 40 cm. Sandy Loam, Sylvesters grow best in direct sunlight with room to grow. Here is a paint suggested by my local garden shop in Palm Beach County and sold by Benjamin Moore: Brand: Sikkens Wood Finishes, Cetol 23 Plus, Translucent Satin Wood Top Coat. Sunlight Plant your Sylvester Palm in an area that receives full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day). Cutting back a palm tree will not make it grow faster. Sylvester Palm plants are rarely bothered by pests as they come from a very humid tropical climate. These leaves grow on about 1-meter tall petioles having spines at the base. One of the palms trunks rotted on one side. If you really insist, diluted strong coffee or tea will do it. The trunks are robust and the canopies average 18 . I assume that this is part of Latin culture and often wondered why the trunks were painted. If you are not sure how to check the moisture level, go here Watering Palm Trees. Be sure to inquire about size and age when buying a Sylvester Palm plant since it can become top-heavy as it grows taller. This classic palm lends an upscale, tropical appearance to the landscape with its elegant crown of fronds. I found the other pictures. I did end up staining my King Palm trunks with Linseed Oil. Want to learn more about South Florida planting, watering, fertilizing and dealing with weeds and pests? Moreover, they are nice options for the drive-through, fence making, or grouped growths. It is easy to use, with only a few hours, you could learn how use it. I also think the other trunks don't look bad either. These trees are like the shorter forms of the famous Canary Island Date Palms. Dani you'd better use a chainsaw to remove the greatest part of a whole leaf (leave only base and one third of petiole) before you start shaping leaf bases with the reciprocal saw. Find Out Today, Actaea Simplex Brunette: Growth and Care Guide, Kumquat Tree Florida: Growth and Care Guide, Cedar Trees in Florida: How to Grow and Care for Cedars, Dahoon Holly Tree (Ilex Cassine): Florida Care Guide. For more detailed instructions, refer to the methods on making wax seals and hot glue seals . If someone could tell me how or where to upload a picture of the palm, I would be more than happy to do so. The Sylvester Date Palm can withstand a drought for a short period of time. Be sure to consult the tips above for more information on caring for this plant. The soil should be moist down to the root of the palm tree. Paste as plain text instead, If it blocks the views from your driveway or sidewalk, youll have to start palm tree pruning. I've always wondered how they do these cool cuts. Had anyone ever seen this done or might had worked doing this for a nursery? Sylvester Palm plants require repotting every several years to replace old soil and provide fresh nutrients and added space for root growth. Make sure you remove the unwanted plantations to avoid sunlight blockage. I have no idea if the rot is a result of the Linseed Oil or not. You'll get to hand pick the trees and if you need, we can even install them for you. Here is a list of Just a few of our trees we carry: Medjools, Phoenix Dactylifera, California fan palm, Pindo, Sylvester, Mediterranean fan, Pygmy, Queen, Live oak, Red Oak, Bald Cypress, Green Ash, Mexican Sycamore, Bottlebrush, Cedar Elm, Magnolia, Mule Palms, Texas Sabal, Windmill Palm, ect. var year=today.getFullYear() : Help Your Plant Bloom, How Long Does It Take Clover to Bloom? Water the plant well then add a 2 (5cm) layer of mulch, such as shredded bark, around the planting area. Spread the granules evenly around the base of the trunk. By Drought Tolerance:Moderate Thus, if you are a fan of Canary Palms and have a smaller space, just get your hands on these beautiful Sylvestris Palm Trees. However, you are the only person who can go out and stand in front of your house and judge just exactly where you think the best place would be to make a new walkway. The darker one could be a shade or two lighter to look more natural. Grasp a loose petiole (the stalk that joins a leaf to thestem)on the trunk and tug on it gently to remove it. Try it on your arm first that way you'll have first hand experience!Anything that happens to your arm will also happen to your palm.Cheers. I hope you got the clue of the common name now! However, good moisture in the air shows good results on the health and look of the foliage. We've put together plant groupings to help you visualize how various plants look together. For your door, I would try to replace it with a more Craftsman type-they often had the side window. My landscaper suggested I paint the trees. I use to really like the room, even though it was dated. Phoenix sylvestris is a cold hardy palm that can tolerate cold down to 15F. Thank you for the great photos and data you have provided. very cold hardy - taking Zone 9 temperatures in stride. The bushy fronds have stiff, pointy leaves with spines along the stems, so keep a safe distance from drives and least 5 feet. 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